Friday, April 13, 2012


This week we discussed masculinity. One thing we talked about was why violence with men really occurs. During class we watched a video that showed how masculinity is portrayed. People everywhere think that a real man is strong, buff, tough, doesn't show emotion or weakness, is able to fight etc. However, males that don't live up to those expectations are considered wusses, sissys, or even girls. Men feel obligated to turn to violence when they are stripped of their masculinity. In class, we read an article that focused on school shootings. Basically, the article concluded that men turn to violence when their masculinity is taken away from them by being bullied or teased, or gay-baited. When men feel like they aren't men, they turn to violence in order to prove their toughness. I think we learned about this because it's so important to realize and be conscious of the fact that the image of a typical, real man, is not real at all. The media subtly teaches us what we're supposed to think real men are supposed to act like and look like. We also watched a short video showing us how Disney movies try to influence us about masculinity. The media also encourages men to become violent toward women and to take control over them. The reason that violence toward women occurs is because the media sexualizes violence. I have never experienced this myself, but I know that many girls in high school end up in abusive relationships. Its so awful that we have the mindsets that the media wants us to have. The media makes us think that women are only valued for their looks, and men are only valued for their strength. I could never understand why men are expected to be so violent. I really enjoyed this unit of socialization. I learned and realized alot of things that I had never noticed before. The media is a scary thing if you really think about it, and we need to be more aware of the things that influence us every single day.

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