Thursday, April 5, 2012

Digitally Beautiful

In class we've been discussing how the media influences us. More specifically, this week we talked about how women in the media are portrayed. Women in the media are not only used to sell products, but also ideas. Women in advertisements are not real. For example, The pictures in magazines and catalogues are all photoshopped. It is like 1 women's photo is more like 3 or 4 different women put together, using different parts of the body. It is gross how the media portrays females. Women are only valued for their looks. Ads show women super skinny and flawless. Because of these unreal and literally impossible body types, millions of women battle with eating disorders and depression. I think that we are learning about this because its extremely important to have a conscious mind when you are being bombarded with millions of ads with fake things. It is easy to say you don't care, and you think that the media has no impact on you, but the media has such a huge influence on you, and you aren't even aware of it because it seeps deep through your mind. Huge corporations try to make money by making woman feel insecure and vulnerable and convincing them that they need something in order to feel good, happy and beautiful. Like many other females out there, I've always felt bad about myself when I see ads with perfect and flawless women. I always think to myself why I can't look like that. Well, now I know that the images are completely impossible to achieve. We are all the worst judges of ourselves, but we all need to be aware that the pictures we are seeing are never real. It's really great and refreshing to see Dove and other companies in the beauty industry put more emphasis on inner beauty rather than outer, and seeing more plus sized models in the fashion world. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, and it is so sad that society stripped us of that feeling, and convinced us that if we don't look a certain way, we won't be accepted.

1 comment:

  1. It's ridiculous how much industries prey on women's insecurities in order to sell products.
