This week in class, we watched a video
which proves how much the media really influences what kinds of things
we want, and sadly our own character. From watching the video I learned
that we are influenced by marketing from the moment that we are born,
and most of us don't even know it. We are compelled to want
things. We are constantly being advertised to from all of the electronic
connections that we have. We see thousands of advertisements in just
one day. From Tv, to your cell phone, and magazines, we are constantly
surrounded by ads which throw the latest things in our faces. The sad
thing is that really young kids today, have and are doing things that
the previous generations did not do when they were that young. Watching
this video and understanding it was a little bit scary to think about.
Marketers have so much control over what kids are going to want and it
teaches them that they are not good enough if they don't have all of
these nice things, and they do this just to make money. It makes me
think about what I would do when I would have kids. I see millions of advertisements on a daily basis. One day I actually decided to count how many ads i had seen in one day, but I eventually lost count because there were too many. It's crazy and a little bit frightening to know that these marketers have so much control, and are able to worm their ways through our brains and completely deceive us, and most people don't even realize it.
I think its crazy how many advertisements we are exposed to every day, and it is scary to think that we were so strongly influenced by these ads from such a young age.. it makes you wonder how different you would be without these influences