Thursday, March 1, 2012

God Grew Tired Of Us & Time

This week involved a lot of laughter in class as we learned more about culture shock, and learned alot about the values and the norms of cultures. It was hilarious to see things like the crazy streets in Italy or India, or the Lost Boys making a meal out of smashed Ritz crackers and milk.
We find these things funny because we've all grown up to do things differently, in the ways that we view as normal or our "norms" I really enjoyed the movie "God Grew Tired Of Us." It was sad but it was a little bit funny too. The Lost Boys were determined to come to America in order to support and provide for their lost families back in Uganda. The Lost Boys had drastically different lives and values in the refugee camp that they lived in compared to how they lived in America. For example, their lives in the camp involved always being together and doing things with each other. However, when they were in  America, they felt that people were unfriendly and it felt isolating for them. One of the guys actually even went crazy because of the culture shock of the loneliness he experienced.
Another concept that really stood out to me was our value of time. I never realized how much we value time on a daily basis. We ask things like, "What time is it?" Or "Is it time to go yet?" We even freak out when we are late for something. Time is something that we obsess about constantly, but we usually don't realize it. Learning about time has made me stop to think and realize that the only reason I care so much about time is because it is in our culture. An example where I really thought about time this week was when I woke up late and missed my bus. Of course, I freaked out and acted quickly to get a ride to school. When I got to school I realized I still had a few minutes left until class began and I was relieved. its so weird to think that time controls so much of what we think and do, and it controls our emotions as well. This discussion about time has really got me wondering, what if one day time disappeared and it wasn't there to control us? Would we appreciate that? would we panic? Or, would we still go on with our daily lives even in the absence of time?

1 comment:

  1. I really like how you looked into the type of community that they were used to in the camp. It is really interesting to see how individual our culture is, after watching the movie.
