Friday, January 20, 2012

Who Am I?

Who Am I? My name is Lopa, and I am a student in high school. I am hard to figure out sometimes. I am a shy person by nature. When I meet someone new, it's not comfortable for me to be myself around them right away, and i hide my emotions. However, I love meeting new people, and getting to know them. I stand for kindness and honesty. I am obsessed with music, and i love dissecting lyrics for a hidden message. I am also grateful for everything that I have in life. I am thankful for the wonderful family and friends that I have, and it is truly a blessing that I do not take for granted. I am a very ambitious person with big dreams that I believe will come true. I believe that I was put on earth to make a difference in the world in any possible way that I can. Sometimes , I enjoy volunteering at homeless shelters. I started volunteering about 2 years ago, and it has changed my life ever since. I have mixed emotions on my life. Even though the events in my life have their ups and downs, I am grateful for the life that I live. Obviously, this really isn't all of who I am. Defining myself today is impossible, only what the future will bring, will add on to my definition of who I really am.


  1. I hope you will feel comfortable being yourself in our class and I am so impressed that you have volunteered before. I hope you will be able to do some meaningful community service for our class too!

  2. I hope you will feel comfortable being yourself in our class and I am so impressed that you have volunteered before. I hope you will be able to do some meaningful community service for our class too!
